Brivo Integration FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Brivo integration.

Can I import employees into different locations in MRI OnLocation?

No, any new employees created in Brivo and imported into OnLocation through the Brivo integration will be added to the default location set in the User Sync Settings.

Can I import contractors into OnLocation?

Yes, to identify contractors in Brivo to be imported into OnLocation, create a group in Brivo called Contractors and add users into the group. When they are imported, they will be added as contractors rather than employees in OnLocation.

Once added to your account, you will need to assign them to an organization.

Can I sync visitors to Brivo?

Yes. If you enable visitor syncing a unique code (QR/barcode) will be generated, which can be used by the visitor to sign in /out and/or open doors.

If a user scans in using the Brivo system, will they be signed into OnLocation?

Yes, this is the core of the integration. Whenever a user signs in using either Brivo or OnLocation, they are signed into OnLocation and added to the evacuation list in case of an emergency.

If a user signs in using OnLocation will they be put on-site in Brivo?

No. They will only be put on-site in OnLocation.

Can tokens in OnLocation be added as cards in Brivo?

Yes, when the Brivo integration is enabled a system token type called Brivo Card will be created in OnLocation. Tokens with the Brivo Card type in OnLocation will be added to Brivo.

Learn more about adding tokens to contractors or employees.

How often are users synced?

The Brivo integration can be set up to do a daily sync or you can do a manual sync.

Using the OnLocation master database, changes will be synced immediately when they occur.

Can a mobile app be used to sign into/out of OnLocation and open a Brivo door?

Yes, you can use either the Brivo Pass or OnLocation Mobile app to do this.

Brivo Pass

If a user opens a door using Brivo Pass, they will be signed in/out of OnLocation if that door is assigned to a location access point in the door settings and sets the user status to on-/off-site.

OnLocation Mobile

If a user signs in/out using OnLocation Mobile, a trigger can be set up in OnLocation to open a Brivo door.

How should I manage users across the two systems?

Some information is system-specific and, if required, will need to be managed in the related system only. However, you should only ever add users in one system and then use the sync to push that basic information into the other system.

Details that are synced or managed through the sync include the user's name and their Brivo Groups.

OnLocation-specific information

Inductions, certifications, contact information, and organization information are all specific to OnLocation and aren’t relevant to Brivo.

Brivo-specific information

Card type, middle name, and custom fields are specific to Brivo and are not relevant to OnLocation.

What type of QR/Barcode scanners do you recommend?

Qscan scanners from International Barcode (IBC) work with most Brivo setups to easily scan QR Codes and Barcodes. They have a range of scanners for different setups:

  • Qscan Outdoor - Durable scanner for outdoor access control systems.
  • Qscan Indoor - Default scanner for internal access control systems.
  • QscanT - Mountable scanner for use on turnstiles.
  • Qscan Mini - Compact scanner for smaller Kiosks and turnstiles.