How to update employee information
There are three ways to update employee information in your MRI OnLocation account. The method to use depends on how many records you need to update and the type of information:
- If you are updating one or two records, do this manually.
- If you are updating certain information on multiple records, like notifications or global roaming, use the Run Action menu. This has a 1,000 record limit and offers a limited number of options and can't be used to update contact details or complex information.
- If you are updating complex information for multiple records, do this in bulk by CSV import.
If you need to record information not included in the default employee fields, add custom fields to your account before updating your employee profiles. If you update multiple employees by CSV import, export your employee list after adding your custom fields. The spreadsheet will then contain both the default and custom fields.
This article covers:
- Manually update an employee
- Update employees using the Run Action menu
- Update employees by CSV import
Manually update an employee
To update an employee manually:
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Employees.
- Use the search tools to find your employee (if required).
- Click View next to their name.
- Make any changes to their profile using the left-hand menu to skip to the relevant sections.
- Click Save.
- Click Back to Employee List when you're finished.
Updates will automatically be recognized across the system.
Update employees using the Run Action menu
The Run Action menu gives you a limited number of options to update an employee's profile and a few unique options to the run action menu. You can run these actions on multiple employees at once.
Available Actions
- Send Login Permission Email - This will email the employee granting them access to OnLocation. This is a unique action to the Run Action menu.
- Enable/Disable Email Notifications - Manage the visitor email notifications the employee receives.
- Enable/Disable Mobile Notifications - Manage the visitor SMS notifications the employee receives.
- Assign/Remove Department - Manage the department the employees belong to.
- Change Location - Change the employee's home location. This is a unique action to the Run Action menu.
- Change On-site Status - Sign In or Out the employee. This can only be done from the Sign In/Out Manager or the Run Action menu.
- Change Zone - Change the employee's default zone.
- Change Role Type - Change the employee's role types.
- Activate OnLocation Mobile - Sends the employee an email with their unique code and grants them access to the mobile app.
- Deactivate OnLocation Mobile - Removes the employee's access to the mobile app.
- Pass Induction Course - Select an induction course for the employee to pass using the current date for completion.
- Enable/Disable Subscription - Manage the employee's email subscriptions to OnLocation
- Enable/Disable Global Roaming - Manage the locations the employee can sign in and out of.
- Remove Employee - Deletes the employee from your account.
Update using Run Action
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Employees.
- Use the checkboxes on the right-hand side to select the employees to update. Or use the # Records button to display more records.
- Click the Run an Action menu at the bottom of the page.
- Select the action you want to update and, if required, select the additional information.
- Click Run Action.
Actions may take some time to complete depending on the number of records selected. Once the action has finished, a message will display confirming the number of records updated, and all changes will take effect immediately across the account.
Update employees by CSV import
The easiest way to update complex information for multiple employees is to use a CSV import.
There are three steps to updating your employees via CSV file: exporting your employees, preparing the file, and then importing it into OnLocation.
Step 1: Export your employee list
First, export your current employee list:
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Employees.
- Click Export Employees.
- Click Export All.
Step 2: Prepare the CSV file
Update the employees' information in the CSV file and save it:
- Open the saved export file
- Make any changes to the information on the spreadsheet. Do not change or remove any headings, this will cause an error when importing.
- Save the spreadsheet in the CSV UTF-8 format.
Step 3: Import the file
Import your updated employee list:
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Employees.
- Click Update Employees.
- Click Import List from a CSV File.
- Click Select CSV File, select the saved CSV file from your computer and click Open.
- Click Upload CSV File.
- Check the fields that will be imported are matched correctly. This should happen automatically.
- Select System ID as the Unique Identifier. This will be used to match the records in your file with the records in OnLocation.
- (Optional) If you are deleting any employees, tick the Remove Existing Records checkbox.
- Click Submit for Validation.
- Click Confirm & Submit, then click Close.
You will receive a message confirming how many records were updated in the import. The updates will automatically be recognized across the system.