Choose the what information is accessible in the Contractor Portal

Manage the data access permissions for users of the Contractor Portal. You must have the Contractor Manager user role to access these settings.

About data access permissions

Choose what contractor members can see, add, edit, or remove in the Contractor Portal. The type of access varies for each permission area.

Some options can also be set as required. This means that when an organization is edited, or a member is added, this information must be completed.

Set up portal data access permissions

To manage permissions for the portal:

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Select Portal Administration from the menu on the left.
  3. Select the Data Access Permissions tab. 

  4. Choose one of the sub-tabs:

Organization Details

This tab manages access to the contact information for the member's organization. You can select the information that members can view, what they can make changes to, and choose if some or all fields are required.

You can opt to give the same permission to all fields, or expand the section to give different permissions to each field type. 

The default organization details fields include:

  • Contractor Type – The legal entity type that this organization is registered as
  • Organization Name – The legal name of the organization
  • Trading As – The trading name of the organization (if different from the legal name). If the trading and legal names are the same the trading name will be automatically added.
  • Phone Number – The contact phone number for the organization
  • Email Address – The main contact email of the organization
  • Physical Address – The main physical address at which the organization is located
  • Country – The country the organization is from

Portal users cannot change the status of the organization, the Legal ID, or the Organization Owner. All other default fields can be set up for a member to edit. Any information with the Required box selected must be completed before they can save their changes.

If you use custom fields and tabs in your contractor organization profiles, you can choose which fields can be viewed and/or edited. As with the default fields, custom fields can be marked as required.

Learn more about how Contractor Portal Users manage organization details.



This tab gives the portal users the ability to manage their organization's insurance policies. You can choose if portal users can read, add, or delete insurance policies and policy documents. This makes it easier and faster to keep insurance records up-to-date. 

Expiry notifications will still be sent, as per your settings, to remind the members to update their insurance information. If you enable insurance managing for Contractor Portal, you may want to add extra instructions for uploading this information themselves rather than sending it to you.

Learn more about how Contractor Portal Users manage insurance policies.



This tab gives the portal users the ability to manage the contracts between their organization and yours. You can choose if portal users can Read, Add, or Delete contracts.

This makes it easier and faster to keep contracts up-to-date; they can confirm the details of any contracts set up in MRI OnLocation and update any details which may change.

Expiry notifications will still be sent, as per your settings, to remind the members that contracts are expiring. If you enable contract managing for Contractor Portal, you may want to add extra instructions on how to manage these by following your internal policies.

Learn more about how Contractor Portal Users manage contracts.



This tab contains information about contractor members that portal users can manage. This includes contact information about the members, account status, photos, contact role types, inductions, and certifications.

Add or delete users

Select the checkbox to confirm if portal users can add or delete members.

If you allow users to delete members, choose if the member is removed from the organization that the portal user is logged into, or if they should be removed from all organizations in your OnLocation account.

OnLocation Mobile

Choose if members can send an OnLocation Mobile activation code to other members in their organization.  

Profile information

Any information with the Required box selected will have to be entered to save any changes made in this section by the member, this will be signified to them by a red asterisk.

You can opt to give the same permission to all fields within a profile tab, or expand the section to give different permissions to each field type. 

Default member fields:

  • Full Name – The member’s name. You must have a first and last name to add a member
  • Job Title – The member’s title in their organization
  • Contractor ID  – Can be entered instead of a name during sign in/out on a kiosk.
  • Primary Email Address – This is used for contact, sending notifications, invitations, and inductions to the member
  • Other Email Address – Can be used to send an induction or for contact records
  • Mobile Number – This is used for contact, sending notifications, invitations, and inductions to the member
  • Phone Number – For your contact records
  • Extension Number – In case an extension is needed to reach the member at their phone number
  • ICE Number – The number of the member’s emergency contact
  • Permitted On-site From and Permitted On-site To – The date the member can sign in from and until. These dates are optional, if they are blank, the member will always be considered valid.
  • Status of Account – The status of the member in OnLocation, chosen between Pending, Active, Inactive, On-Hold, and Banned. You may want the portal user to be able to activate their members when they are coming on-site

If you use custom fields for your contractor members, you can choose which fields can be viewed and/or edited. As with the default fields, custom fields can be marked as required.

The example below has a custom tab labeled Vehicle Information, the fields within the tab have all been set up to be edited by portal users.

Member photo

Choose whether or not portal users can edit or view photos of members.

Contact role types

Choose whether or not portal users can edit or read the contact role types assigned to their organization's members.

If editing is enabled, the portal user will not be able to change the available options for contact role types, only assign them to members. They will have access to all contact role types you have enabled in your account.


Choose whether to give portal users the ability to manage the induction courses for the members of their organization.

There are several options for the level of access you want to allow:

  • Add – A portal user will be able to manually set dates that induction courses were passed for their members. They will also be able to upload supporting documents for any internal/external inductions. Expiry notifications will still be sent, as per your settings, to remind the members that their online inductions are expiring. If you enable induction managing for Contractor Portal, you may want to add extra instructions for sending invites or uploading information.
  • Read – A portal user will have the ability to view what inductions members have been invited to, and or passed along with the relevant dates on which these were completed. 
  • Delete – A portal user will have the ability to remove inductions associated with a member's account. 
  • Invite – A portal user will be able to send their members invites to take online induction courses.


Choose if portal users can manage the certifications their organization's members have. This makes it easier and faster to keep certification records up-to-date. They can upload the details and supporting documents of any certifications their members obtain directly into the portal.

Expiry notifications will still be sent, as per your settings, to remind the members to update certification information that expires. If you enable certification managing for Contractor Portal, you may want to add extra instructions for uploading this information themselves rather than sending it to you.

Learn about how Contractor Portal Users manage members.


Categories & Groups

Select the categories and groups an organization belongs to in OnLocation. These are options set up in Contractor Manager to group similar organizations. You can give the members the ability to add their organization to the groups set up in your account, they will not be able to change the groups themselves.

You can manage the edit rights for each group. For example, if you have particular groups used for induction or certification grouping, you can make them read-only or hidden leaving the rest available to use. You can't make any groups required so if you want organizations to belong to certain groups you will need to stop these from being edited.

Learn more about how Contractor Portal Users manage categories and groups.


Next step: Add contractors as Portal users, then invite them to log in to the portal.