Update the contact listed on Contractor Portal invite emails

Update who is the contact point listed on Contractor Portal invite emails. You must have the Contractor Administrator user role access to these settings.

When sending your portal users their invitation to use the portal, there is a contact listed at the bottom of the email. This is the person in your organization that the portal user is directed to for all queries relating to the Contractor Portal invite email.

This contact defaults to the employee who sends the invite to the portal user, however, you can change this to be one constant person, either an employee in your organization or a third party.

You can choose from these contacts:

  • Invite Sender - The person who sends the invite to the Portal User, this will change based on who is sending the invite.
  • Your Employee - Select one employee to act as the main contact for all portal invites.
  • 3rd Party - Enter the name and email address of a 3rd-party to act as the contact for all portal invites. You can set this up as an employee that is not in MRI OnLocation, a generic email address monitored by multiple people, an outside person who is managing your contractors, or any other person. 

Choose a contact for portal questions

To change the portal contact person:

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Select Portal Administration from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select the Settings tab.
  4. Choose who you want to act as the main contact for your portal invite emails.
  5. Click Save.
