Assign the Multi-Tenant Sign In/Out Manager user role

Learn how to assign the Multi-Tenant Sign In/Out Manager user role. You must have the Administrator user access these settings.

To assign Multi-Tenant access, the employee must first have the Sign In/Out Manager user role for your own account. You can assign Sign In/Out Manager access to all or selected locations in your own account, and Multi-Tenant access to all or selected accounts which have granted you permission.

Employees with this user role will be able to manage the people movements of the accounts enabled within their user role settings.

To assign the role: 

  1. Go to Tools > User Roles.
  2. Click Manage Roles next to an employee. You can use the filters on the left-hand side to find specific employees quickly.

  3. Select Sign In/Out Manager.
  4. Under Sign In/Out Manager role, select Multi-Tenant.
  5. Click Update Multi-Tenant Locations, then select the accounts the user will manage access to.
  6. Click Close.
  7. Click Assign Roles.


The employee will be able to access Multi-Tenant Sign In/Out Manager from the next time they log in.

Next step: Use Multi-Tenant Sign In/Out Manager to manage the people coming in and out of your shared reception.