Choose the OnSentry sign in/out mode

Learn how to configure the options in the Mode Selection menu for managing people's movements. This article is for OnSentry users.
OnSentry is no longer available for new installations, but existing clients continue to receive support.

The Mode Selection menu is used to set up how you are managing people through OnSentry. This can be set up to sign out only, sign in only, sign between two zones (for sign in/out or switching zones), or lookup (for multiple connecting zones).

There are two mode types:

  • RFID/Barcode – what happens when you scan or tap a person's ID Card
  • Manual – what happens when you find and select the person manually

To change the mode, tap the icon in the bottom right of the home screen, tap either RFID/Barcode Mode or Manual Mode and follow the steps.


Select mode type

Choose the type of person management you will be performing. The option chosen will determine how many further steps are required in the mode selection:

  • Scan/Sign Between - Move people on and off-site or between two zones within a location. 2 zones will need to be selected if this type is chosen.
  • Scan/Sign In Only - You will only be signing people into one chosen zone. 1 zone will need to be selected if this type is chosen.
  • Scan/Sign Out Only - You will only be signing people out of the location. This option is only available when an access point is not Inter-zone Only and you will not need to select a zone.
  • Lookup - Move people between multiple zones in a location. This option is only available for RFID/Barcode Mode and you will need to manually select a zone for each movement. No further options will need to be selected if this type is chosen.

The Scan option is presented when setting up RFID/Barcode Mode and the Sign option is presented when setting up Manual Mode.


Select option 1

Choose the zone you are signing people into, out of or both.

You will only be presented with zones that are connected to the access point you have chosen. These are set up in the MRI OnLocation desktop application by an Administrator.


If you have chosen Scan/Sign Between, and the access point is not set up as Inter-zone only, you will also have the Off-Site option. This is used to sign people in and out of the location.

If you have chosen Scan/Sign In Only, this is the only zone that you will select.

Select option 2

Choose the second zone you are signing people into and out of.

This will only be presented for the Scan/Sign Between mode type.


Select question type

Choose the type of questionnaire you want people signing in to answer. This will only be presented when choosing Scan/Sign Between and Scan/Sign In Only options.

There is currently only one option: Quick - No Questions.
