Edit a custom questionnaire

Learn how to edit a custom questionnaire. Update the name, audience, how often the questionnaire is presented, and the questions. You need the Administrator user role to access these settings. 

How it works

Update any of the details or questions in your questionnaire. If the questionnaire already has submissions, the questionnaire will automatically be cloned as a new version. You'll need to publish the questionnaire once you've made your changes. 

If you have a trigger set up based on the questionnaire, your trigger will be automatically updated and linked to the new questionnaire. However, if you add a new question or answer option, you may need to update the trigger rules

Edit a questionnaire

  1. Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
  2. Select Sign In/Out Questions.
  3. Select the Custom Questionnaires tab.
  4. Click Manage next to the questionnaire.

  5. (For a published questionnaire only) Click Continue.
  6. To update the questionnaire name, audience, or frequency, click Update Questionnaire Details.
  7. Update the details, then click Save
  8. To update an existing question, click Edit next to the question. Update the details, then click Save and Close
  9. To add a new question, click Add Question
  10. Click Not Published.
  11. Click Publish Questionnaire, then click Confirm.
Next step: If you have a trigger linked to this questionnaire, check your rules to make sure the trigger will stiill work.