Set up your visitor arrival notifications

Manage your own visitor arrival notifications and add others to receive a notification when you are selected as a host. Any employee can manage their arrival notifications.

About notifications

To receive a notification when a visitor or contractor selects you as a host on arrival, you must enable your visitor arrival notifications. You can also add up to two other employees and one non-employee to receive a notification when you're selected as a host.

Notification options are set up at the location level by administrators, if you do not see one of the sections, it will be turned off in the location settings.

If you enable mobile notifications and have OnLocation Mobile installed and activated, you will receive push notifications. Otherwise, you will receive SMS notifications.

View the types of notifications you can choose to receive. 

Set up your notifications

To set up notifications: 

  1. Click on your name at the top-right of the screen, then select My Profile.

  2. Select My Notification Settings from the left-hand menu.
  3. To turn on notifications, select Yes next to the Send to Me option.
  4. (Optional) Select up to 2 employees in the OnLocation account to receive notifications when you are the host.
  5. (Optional) Enter the email or phone number of one non-employee to receive this notification.
  6. Click Save.


You (and any nominated other recipients) will automatically receive notifications whenever you are selected as the host of a visitor or contractor upon sign in.