Pre-register a visitor

Learn how to pre-register a visitor event for one or more visitors. Any employee with an MRI OnLocation login can pre-register visitors.

How it works

Use visitor pre-registration to speed up the sign-in process when visitors arrive on-site. It gives Sign In/Out Managers visibility of who is expected on-site at any time, and it can increase security by requiring all visitors to provide key information before they come on-site.

There are a range of visitor pre-registration features available on OnLocation. Your visitors' experience will depend on the features that your organization has enabled. 

This article covers the following:

Pre-registered a visitor

  1. Go to My Visitors > Pre-Register Visitors.
  2. Click Pre-register a visitor, then select Single visitor

  3. Complete the visitor details section. Add their name, organization, email address, phone numbers, and position.  Only the name and from fields are mandatory.
  4. Select if they require assistance in an emergency and if you'd like to save their details for future visits. 
  5. Enter the event details. Select the location, host employee, start and end date, and time.
  6. Select if it's a recurring event.  Choose how often it repeats - daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, how often the above period is repeated, and when it starts and when it ends.
  7. Select the employee they're visiting. 
  8. Add any instructions for your front-of-house staff.
  9. Select the checkbox if you'd like to send an OnPass or pre-visit questionnaire to the visitor. 
  10. If your organization has enabled custom questions for visitor pre-registration, you may see additional questions. You can complete these questions or leave them for the visitor to answer when they complete their profile. 
  11. Click Save.

Add a group visit

There are a few ways you can add visitors to a pre-registration event. You can manually add each visitor one by one, you can select from your saved visitor list or groups, or you can import a CSV file of visitors.

  1. Go to My Visitors > Pre-Register Visitors.
  2. Click Pre-register a visitor, then select Group visit

  3. Enter the event name.
  4. Select the location.
  5. Select the employee they're visiting.
  6. Select the start and end date and time.
  7. Select if it's a recurring event. Choose how often it repeats - daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, how often the above period is repeated, and when it starts and ends.
  8. Add a description.
  9. Click Save.

  10. Click Add Visitor, then select how you would like to add the visitors. Enter a new visitor, select from your saved visitor list, or import a visitor list. 
  11. Click Save and Close.

Import a visitor list

To import multiple visitors, use the visitor template. It contains the following fields: Full Name, From, Title, Email, Phone Mobile, Assistance Required, Purpose of Visit, and Expected Duration On-site. Only the Full Name and From fields are mandatory. 

To import multiple visitors: 

  1. Click Add visitor, then select Import visitor list.

  2. Click Download the visitor template.
  3. Open the template and enter visitor details. Follow the example provided in the second row of the spreadsheet. You do not need to enter all fields for every visitor. Do not remove any headings.
  4. Drag the file into OnLocation. The page will automatically refresh with the visitors listed below the event details. 

  5. Click Save and Close.

Edit a visitor event

To view your pre-registered visitor list:

  1. Go to My Visitors > Pre-Register Visitors.
  2. Click the More icon next to the event you want to change, then select Edit.

  3. Make the changes you require.
  4. Click Save.

Edit a recurring event

When editing a recurring event, you have the option to change: 

  • Only this Event - Changes one of the events in the series. Useful when a last-minute change needs to be made to one event, but the rest continues as usual. 
  • All Events in this Series - Any changes will flow through to all events in the series. 

Remove a pre-registered visitor

  1. Go to My Visitors > Pre-Register Visitors.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the visitor.
  3. Click Run an action, then select Remove.

  4. Click Yes to confirm. 

Make sure you let the visitor know that their visit has been cancelled. OnLocation will not automatically do this.  

Next step: Once a visitor is pre-registered, they can use the following methods to sign in:

  • Front-of-house staff - All pre-registered visitors are visible in Sign In/Out Manager. They can pre-print guest passes, sign visitors in, or issue the pass once they sign in.
  • On a kiosk - The visitor can sign in independently on a kiosk by entering their name or by scanning the barcode or QR code on their OnPass.
  • By employee - If the employee has permission to sign n their visitors, when the visitor arrives on-site, the host greets them, issues them with a pre-printed visitor pass, and signs them in.