About access tokens
Adding tokens to contractors allows them to scan a unique barcode, QR code, or RFID at the kiosk to sign in/out quickly, accurately, and often without any contact.
Tokens can be added to contractors by accessing:
- Contractor Manager through the member profile or by CSV import
- Identity Manager through the Identity Management section
- Contractor self-registering at the kiosk
This article covers:
- Add a token to one profile
- Update multiple members by CSV import
- Assign a token using the Identity Manager
- Contractor self-registration
Add a token to one profile
- Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
- Select Members from the left-hand menu.
- Find the contractor using the filters and/or Keyword Search.
- Click View next to their name.
- Select Tokens from the left-hand menu.
- Click Add Token.
- Select the Token ID Type.
- Enter the Token ID Number or use the shortcut entry System ID – The contractor's unique identifying number in MRI OnLocation. This will always be unique for every contractor.
- (Optional) Set the Issued and Expires dates. If a token is expired, the contractor cannot use it to scan in but can still sign in manually.
- Click Save.
Update multiple members by CSV import
These are instructions for updating existing contractors and adding tokens in bulk:
- Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
- Select Members from the left-hand menu.
- Click Export Members.
- Click Export All to download a CSV file of all contractor members, then click Close.
- Open the file.
- Enter the Token Type, Number, Issue, and Expiry.Token Types must match the types set up in your account and token numbers must be unique.
- Save as a CSV UTF-8 file type.
- In OnLocation, click Update Members.
- Click Import List from a CSV File.
- Click Select CSV File, select the saved file from your computer and click Open.
- Click Upload CSV File.
- Set the Unique Identifier to System ID, then click Submit for Validation.
- Click Confirm & Submit, then click Close.
Assign a token using the Identity Manager
- Go to Tools > Identity Manager.
- Select Token Holders from the left-hand menu.
- Click Assign Token.
- Select Contractor as the person type.
- Search for and select the member’s name.
- Select the Token ID Type.
- Enter the Token ID Number or use the System ID shortcut – The contractor's unique identifying number in OnLocation. This will always be unique for every contractor.
- (Optional) Set the Issued and Expires dates.
If a token is expired, the member cannot use it to scan in but can still sign in manually. - Click Assign.
Contractor self-registration
If you turn on contractor self-register, when a contractor signs in on the kiosk and doesn’t have a token assigned, they will be asked if they want to register a token themselves. This is a useful way for contractors to set up tokens not issued by your organization, e.g. driver’s licenses.
Set up self-registration
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Sign In/Out Questions.
- Select the Contractors tab.
- Select the Token Options sub-tab.
- Set Token Self Register to Allow Contractors to Self Register.
- Click Save.
This ability will now be available to contractors on sign in.
Self-register a token
With this setting enabled, when a contractor signs in on your kiosk, they will go through this workflow to self-register a token:
- Tap Sign In.
- Select Contractor (or your branding equivalent).
- Enter their name.
- Answer any basic questions.
- Select whether they want to record an ID or token to enable signing in and out via scanning. There are three options to select:
Yes – proceed to the next steps.
Not this visit – they will be asked again next time.
Never – they will not record a token or be asked again. - Select the ID/Token Type.
- Scan the barcode, QR code, or RFID, or manually enter the number. It’s not possible to record the issue or expiry date using this method.
- Tap Continue, then finish the sign in process.
Next time the contractor can sign in/out by scanning their newly registered token.