Add tokens to contractor member profiles

Add tokens to contractor profiles. You need the Identity Manager and Contractor Manager user roles to assign tokens.

About access tokens

Adding tokens to contractors allows them to scan a unique barcode, QR code, or RFID at the kiosk to sign in/out quickly, accurately, and often without any contact.

Tokens can be added to contractors by accessing:

  • Contractor Manager through the member profile or by CSV import
  • Identity Manager through the Identity Management section
  • Contractor self-registering at the kiosk

This article covers:

Add a token to one profile

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Select Members from the left-hand menu.
  3. Find the contractor using the filters and/or Keyword Search.
  4. Click View next to their name.
  5. Select Tokens from the left-hand menu.
  6. Click Add Token.

  7. Select the Token ID Type.
  8. Enter the Token ID Number or use the shortcut entry System ID – The contractor's unique identifying number in MRI OnLocation. This will always be unique for every contractor.
  9. (Optional) Set the Issued and Expires dates. If a token is expired, the contractor cannot use it to scan in but can still sign in manually.

  10. Click Save.

Update multiple members by CSV import

These are instructions for updating existing contractors and adding tokens in bulk:

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Select Members from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click Export Members.

  4. Click Export All to download a CSV file of all contractor members, then click Close.
  5. Open the file.
  6. Enter the Token Type, Number, Issue, and Expiry.

    Token Types must match the types set up in your account and token numbers must be unique.
  7. Save as a CSV UTF-8 file type.
  8. In OnLocation, click Update Members.

  9. Click Import List from a CSV File.
  10. Click Select CSV File, select the saved file from your computer and click Open.
  11. Click Upload CSV File.

  12. Set the Unique Identifier to System ID, then click Submit for Validation.
  13. Click Confirm & Submit, then click Close

Assign a token using the Identity Manager

  1. Go to Tools > Identity Manager.
  2. Select Token Holders from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click Assign Token.

  4. Select Contractor as the person type.
  5. Search for and select the member’s name.
  6. Select the Token ID Type.
  7. Enter the Token ID Number or use the System ID shortcut – The contractor's unique identifying number in OnLocation. This will always be unique for every contractor.
  8. (Optional) Set the Issued and Expires dates.
    If a token is expired, the member cannot use it to scan in but can still sign in manually.
  9. Click Assign.


Contractor self-registration

If you turn on contractor self-register, when a contractor signs in on the kiosk and doesn’t have a token assigned, they will be asked if they want to register a token themselves. This is a useful way for contractors to set up tokens not issued by your organization, e.g. driver’s licenses.

Set up self-registration

  1. Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
  2. Select Sign In/Out Questions.
  3. Select the Contractors tab.
  4. Select the Token Options sub-tab.
  5. Set Token Self Register to Allow Contractors to Self Register.
  6. Click Save.


This ability will now be available to contractors on sign in.

Self-register a token

With this setting enabled, when a contractor signs in on your kiosk, they will go through this workflow to self-register a token:

  1. Tap Sign In.
  2. Select Contractor (or your branding equivalent).
  3. Enter their name.
  4. Answer any basic questions.
  5. Select whether they want to record an ID or token to enable signing in and out via scanning. There are three options to select:

    Yes – proceed to the next steps.

    Not this visit – they will be asked again next time.

    Never – they will not record a token or be asked again.
  6. Select the ID/Token Type.
  7. Scan the barcode, QR code, or RFID, or manually enter the number. It’s not possible to record the issue or expiry date using this method.

  8. Tap Continue, then finish the sign in process.

Next time the contractor can sign in/out by scanning their newly registered token.