Manage insurance policy notification recipients

Manage who receives a notification when an insurance policy is due to expire or is changed in the Contractor Portal. You need the Contractor Administrator to access these settings.

About notification recipients

When an insurance policy is close to expiry, you can set up notifications to remind the required people that these need to be renewed. The default recipients of these notifications are set up in this section. These will be automatically set for all new policies but can be customized per policy where required.

The following recipients can receive notifications: 

  • Select the employees or add a non-employee email address to receive this notification. The non-email address is generally used for an email monitored by multiple people.
  • Policy owner, who is an employee with the policy owner contact role type.

You can also enter an email address where contractors should send their updated insurance policy details. 

If insurances are updated in the Contractor Portal, choose if an employee should receive a notification of the changes.

Set up notification recipients

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Select Insurance Settings from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select the Notification Recipients tab.
  4. Enter the notification recipients. See below for information on each recipient type.
  5. Click Save.

  6. To update all existing policies to the new default, click Save & Update Policies. To leave all existing policies with their current settings, click Save Only.

Next step: Set up when your insurance expiry notifications will send.