About expiry notification
The policy expiring notices that are emailed to your nominated recipients are pre-formatted, and you are not required to do anything unless you wish to customize them.
Within each of notice, there are two emails. One for the internal recipients and another for the policy owners (the contacts within the contractor organizations).
You can edit the default notices created for you and use placeholders to insert dynamically generated data. The placeholder is a data reference contained within double curly brackets. Placeholders allow you to access data when defining logic within your notice templates.
Set up your email templates
Create your own personalized notifications. With each notice, there are two types of emails sent out:
- To the policy owner
- To your nominated internal recipients (employees)
The language and message sent to the policy owner would differ from the message sent to the internal recipient. Your email notifications also need to include policy information about the policy that is expiring. For example:
- Policy Type
- Name of Insurer / Underwriter
- Policy Number
- Policy Expiry Date
The email should also include:
- The name of your organization (so your policy owner has a reference point as to whom sent them the email and;
- Instruction on where to send updated policy information back to.
Customize the email templates
- Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
- Select Insurance Settings.
- Select the Expiry Notification Email Editor tab.
- Review the email notifications for each of notification. Make any required changes.
- Click Save.
Notice 1 text
Notification to Policy Owner (Contractor Member)
Subject: Insurance Policy Expiry Pending Notice: {{Organization.Name}}
Hi {{Member.Name}},
{{Organization.Name}}, provides services to Example Inc, and as part of the conditions of its relationship with Example Inc is required to have in place one or more insurances.
Our records indicate that the following insurance policy owned by {{Organization.Name}}, is nearing its expiry date.
- Policy Type: {{Policy.Type}}
- Name of Insurer / Underwriter: {{Insurer.Name}}
- Policy Number: {{Policy.Number}}
- Policy Expiry Date: {{Expiry.Date}}
Please send through an updated certificate to: Example Inc, at email address: {{Update.Email}}
If you have any questions about this notice please notify your contact person at Example Inc.
Should we not receive an updated Insurance Policy Certificate or Policy details we reserve the rights to prohibit your people from coming onto our operating sites.
Notification to Internal Recipients (Employees)
Subject: Insurance Policy Expiry Pending Notice: {{Organization.Name}}
Please note:
{{Organization.Name}}, provides services to Example Inc, and as part of the conditions of its relationship with Example Inc is required to have in place one or more insurances.
Our records indicate that the following insurance policy owned by {{Organization.Name}}, is nearing its expiry date.
- Policy Type: {{Policy.Type}}
- Name of Insurer / Underwriter: {{Insurer.Name}}
- Policy Number: {{Policy.Number}}
- Policy Expiry Date: {{Expiry.Date}}
Notice 2 text
Notification to Policy Owner (Contractor Member)
Subject: Insurance Policy Expiry Pending Notice: {{Organization.Name}}
Hi {{Member.Name}},
This is the second and final notification of this Policy’s pending expiry.
{{Organization.Name}}, provides services to Example Inc, and as part of the conditions of its relationship with Example Inc is required to have in place one or more insurances.
Our records indicate that the following insurance policy owned by {{Organization.Name}}, is nearing its expiry date.
- Policy Type: {{Policy.Type}}
- Name of Insurer / Underwriter: {{Insurer.Name}}
- Policy Number: {{Policy.Number}}
- Policy Expiry Date: {{Expiry.Date}}
Please send through an updated certificate to: Example Inc, at email address: {{Update.Email}}
If you have any questions about this notice please notify your contact person at Example Inc.
Should we not receive an updated Insurance Policy Certificate or Policy details we reserve the rights to prohibit your people from coming onto our operating sites.
Notification to Internal Recipients (Employees)
Subject: Insurance Policy Expiry Pending Notice: {{Organization.Name}}
Please note:
This is the second and final notification of this Policy’s pending expiry.
{{Organization.Name}}, provides services to Example Inc, and as part of the conditions of its relationship with Example Inc is required to have in place one or more insurances.
Our records indicate that the following insurance policy owned by {{Organization.Name}}, is nearing its expiry date.
- Policy Type: {{Policy.Type}}
- Name of Insurer / Underwriter: {{Insurer.Name}}
- Policy Number: {{Policy.Number}}
- Policy Expiry Date: {{Expiry.Date}}
Notice 3 text
Notification to Policy Owner (Contractor Member)
Subject: Insurance Policy has Expired: {{Organization.Name}}
Hi {{Member.Name}},
{{Organization.Name}}, provides services to Example Inc, and as part of the conditions of its relationship with Example Inc is required to have in place one or more insurances.
Our records indicate that the following insurance policy owned by {{Organization.Name}}, has expired.
- Policy Type: {{Policy.Type}}
- Name of Insurer / Underwriter: {{Insurer.Name}}
- Policy Number: {{Policy.Number}}
- Policy Expiry Date: {{Expiry.Date}}
Please send through an updated certificate to: Example Inc, at email address: {{Update.Email}}
If you have any questions about this notice please notify your contact person at Example Inc.
Should we not receive an updated Insurance Policy Certificate or Policy details we reserve the rights to prohibit your people from coming onto our operating sites.
Notification to Internal Recipients (Employees)
Subject: Insurance Policy has Expired: {{Organization.Name}}
Please note:
{{Organization.Name}}, provides services to Example Inc, and as part of the conditions of its relationship with Example Inc is required to have in place one or more insurances.
Our records indicate that the following insurance policy owned by {{Organization.Name}}, has expired.
- Policy Type: {{Policy.Type}}
- Name of Insurer / Underwriter: {{Insurer.Name}}
- Policy Number: {{Policy.Number}}
- Policy Expiry Date: {{Expiry.Date}}
Available placeholders
Placeholders allow your email to automatically insert policy information or reply email addresses into the email being sent. The available placeholders are:
- Contractor Organization Name: Placeholder is: {{Organization.Name}}
- Insurance Update Email Address: Placeholder is: {{Update.Email}}
- Member's Full Name: Placeholder is: {{Member.Name}}
- Insurance Policy Type: Placeholder is: {{Policy.Type}}
- Name of Insurer (Underwriter): Placeholder is: {{Insurer.Name}}
- Policy Reference (Number): Placeholder is: {{Policy.Number}}
- Policy Expiry Date: Placeholder is: {{Expiry.Date}}
- Policy Start Date: Placeholder is: {{Start.Date}}