Run the report
To run a report select Reporting > OnEvac Reports. This will show all evacuation reports, the most recent will be at the top.
Select View Reports next to the event report you want to view.
In this report, you can see a snapshot of the evacuation event including; date and time of the event, who created the event, duration of the event, status of the event, and number and who the event verifiers were (if you place your mouse on the link it will display the verifiers).
We also show the high-level statistics for employees on-site, employees off-site, visitors, contractors, and zones during the evacuation event.
View people details
Below the evacuation event summary you can see a list detailing:
- Name – the person's name
- From – organization they are from (excludes employees)
- Verified safe – yes or no
- Person Type – employee, contractor, visitor
- Onsite status – if they were on-site, off-site, or working remotely at the time of the evacuation event
- Zone – zone they were in at the time of the event (if relevant)
You can filter the evacuation event based on:
- Verified safe - Yes/No
- Person Type - employee, contractor, or visitor
- Zone
- Keyword Search
Pick the relevant filters to search on and click Search.
The default view for the evacuation event data is View People. You can also view zones cleared. A log of event notices and logs can also be viewed.
You can export the report by clicking Export PDF Report.
View zones
Click View Zone to see the zones that were cleared during the evacuation.
View notices
Shows all notices that took place during the event.
>Under View Notices, you can view:
- Created - time the notices was created.
- Verifier - the person who generated the message (if verifier).
- Person - the person who sent a help text (if SMS reply).
- Notice Type - if the notice was a verifier message or SMS reply.
- Notice Message - the message of the notice.
You can filter the notice report with a keyword search on the left of the screen.
View all logs
Summary of all events that happened during the evacuation event.
Under View Logs, you can view all logs for the event. This includes:
- Who created the event and notices
- Any SMS requests
- Verifiers added
- Those who SMS self-verified
- People verified
- Who closed the event
- Any messages sent during the event
You can filter the log report based on log type or keyword search using the search options on the left of the screen.