Trigger actions

Learn how to set the actions of a trigger. You must have the Administrator and Triggers Manager user roles assigned to access these settings.

This article covers:

About trigger actions

Once you have set your trigger to when it should activate, you can then set what happens when it is activated using the trigger actions.

The available trigger actions are based on your trigger event, and some actions are hidden if features in your account have not been enabled. Other actions will be non-selectable if they are unavailable due to the trigger event.

You can have as many trigger actions for one trigger as required. Make the information dynamic by adding placeholders to messages. These generate information provided on sign in, in a person’s profile, or in place of text. 


You can send email or text notifications as trigger actions to one or more people. Notifications have three attributes to complete: recipient, subject (for emails), and message.

You can populate the notification message using free text, placeholder values, and Liquid templates, which provide a more customized message.

There are five types of recipients: employees, contractors, visitors, external recipients, and matched person. Each recipient type has different sub-types of recipients, and you must select the recipient type, sub-type, and if required specify the sub-type value.


Employee sub-types include:

  • All employees will notify all employees
  • All on-site notifies all employees currently signed into this location
  • All off-site notifies all employees with this location as their home location that are not currently signed in
  • Selected departments and selected role types will notify all employees in this location with the specified department(s) or role type(s) assigned
  • Selected employees lets you select specific employees with access to this location to notify.


Employee email addresses or cell phone numbers must be entered into their MRI OnLocation profile to receive notifications.


Contractors sub-types include:

  • All signed in will notify all contractors signed into this location
  • All from an organization will notify all contractors from specific organizations
  • Selected contractors lets you select specific contractors with access to this location to notify


Contractors email addresses or cell phone numbers must be entered into their profile in OnLocation to receive notifications.


There is only one sub-type for visitors: all signed in. This will notify all visitors currently signed into this location. For more specific visitor notifications, e.g. the person signing in/out, you should use the Matched Person recipient type.

Notifications to visitors will send to emails or cell phone numbers entered during sign in or pre-registration.


External recipients

External recipients do not have sub-types. They allow you to enter the email or cell phone number of anyone whether they are in your OnLocation account or not. This can be very useful for notifying a group email address, e.g.


Matched person

The matched person recipient type will notify people based on the person signing in/out etc. Matched person recipients will not work for time trigger events because there is no specific person activating the trigger, and not all matched person recipient options will apply for all people types:

  • Person who signed in – Applicable for all people types. Will notify the person signing in using the email or cell phone number in their profile or provided during sign in.
  • Selected Safety Operator – Applicable for employees and contractors if the Safety Operator basic question has been enabled in this location’s Sign In/Out Questions. Will notify the selected Safety Operator using the email or cell phone number in their profile.
  • Employee Hosting Visit – Applicable for visitors and contractors if host selection is enabled in the basic questions in this location’s Sign In/Out Questions. Will notify the employee chosen as the person’s host using the email or cell phone number in their profile.
  • Selected Role Types in Matched Organization - Applicable for contractors only. Will notify people in the organization of the person signing in who have the selected contact role types assigned.


Subject and message

The subject of the notification only applies to email notifications. This is what will appear in the subject line of the email.

The message of the notification is either the body of the email or the text message.

You can add placeholders to your notifications to use information specific to the trigger event including information about the person signing in/out, information about their host, information about the people in location, information about the recipient of the notification, among others.

See below for more information on placeholders.



Pop-up messages

This includes the popup message and deny access triggers. These trigger actions will show a message on screen for the person signing in/out. They will appear on kiosks, Sign In/Out Manager, and  in the OnLocation mobile app, making them an easy way to give extra information to the user in any scenario.

These trigger actions are unavailable when using a time-based trigger event.

Deny access

In addition to displaying a message, the deny access trigger action will also prevent the user from Signing in. This is commonly used when managing contractors and requiring them to complete induction courses or have current insurance policies before working on-site. Deny access trigger actions are only available for sign In events.

You can report on people who have been denied access in the People Presence Report using the Access Denied column and custom filter.

Pop-up messages have three attributes to complete:

  • Message Popup Style – This is the color theme of the pop-up message being displayed, you can choose from Red, Green, or Plain (gray).
  • Title – This will appear at the top of the pop-up message in larger writing, it should convey exactly what the message is about.
  • Message – This is the bulk of the pop-up message with the information you are displaying for the user.



Signing in and out

You can use these trigger actions to sign groups of people in and out of your location in OnLocation. A common use for this would be to sign out employees with certain role types at different times of the day. You can only use the sign out matched person action when using an overdue trigger event.

When signing in/out people, first you choose the type of person, then the sub-type and the value where applicable:

  • Employees – Choose to sign in/out all employees, selected departments, selected role types, or selected employees.
  • Contractors – Choose to sign in/out all contractors, all from an organization or specific contractors.
  • Visitors – Can only be signed out and can only be all signed in visitors.
  • Sign Out Matched Person – Will sign out the person who is past their overdue time.


Make the information you send in a notification or display in a pop-up message more relevant by adding placeholders. Placeholders will take information from a sign In event or user profile and add it to the text of your message. You can add placeholders in the title/subject and the message.

There are five categories of placeholders: matched person, safety operator, visit host, location placeholders, and recipient details. Not all placeholders will be relevant to your trigger event or the person activating the trigger. For best results, ensure the relevant options are enabled for your placeholders.

Matched person

These placeholders use information about the person activating the trigger, and their sign in/out event. Matched person refers to the person signing in/out or who is overdue.

Placeholders include:

  • {{}} – The name of the matched person.
  • {{match.from}} – The organization name of the matched person.
  • {{email}} – The email address of the matched person.
  • {{}} – The cell phone number of the matched person.
  • {{match.title}} – The title of the matched person.
  • {{ match.employee_id }} - The custom employee ID number of the matched person.
  • {{match.department_name}} – The department of the matched person (employees only).
  • {{match.lacp_in_name}} – The access point the matched person signed in through.
  • {{match.lacp_out_name}} – The access point the matched person signed out of.
  • {{match.zone_name}} – The zone the matched person signed into.
  • {{match.purpose}} – The purpose of visit of the matched person (If activated for sign in).
  •  {{match.geolocation}} – The most recent GeoLocation of the matched person (When using the OnLocation mobile app only).
  • {{match.watchlist_people}} – People matched to a watchlist that is checked through the trigger rules (If using Watchlists for visitors).
  • {{match.notice_info}} – The response to any acknowledgment notices checked by the trigger rules (including additional information provided).
  • {{ match.movement_id }} - The unique movement identifier of the matched person.
  • {{ match.expected }} -The expected duration on-site of the matched person.
  • {{ match.assistance }} - If the matched person requires evacuation assistance.
  • {{ match.signed_in }} - The date and time when the matched person signed in.
  • {{ match.signed_out }} - The date and time when the matched person signed out.
  • {{ match.expected_signed_out }} - The expected time of sign out. This is calculated by adding the expected duration on-site to the signed in time.

Safety operator

These placeholders use information about the person selected as the safety operator during sign in. This information is taken from the safety operator’s profile in OnLocation. This is only applicable for employees and contractors.

Placeholders include:

  • {{}} – The name of the chosen Safety Operator.
  • {{safetyoperator.from}} – The organization of the chosen Safety Operator.
  • {{}} – The email address of the chosen Safety Operator.
  • {{}} – The cell phone number of the chosen Safety Operator.

Visit host

These placeholders use information about the employee selected as a visitor’s or contractor's host. The information is taken from the employee’s profile.

Placeholders include:

  • {{}} – The name of the hosting employee.
  • {{}} – The email address of the hosting employee.
  • {{}} – The cell phone number of the hosting employee.


These placeholders use information about people currently signed into the location.

Placeholders include:

  • {{ location.location_name }} – The name of the location.
  • {{location.visitorsonsite}} – The number of visitors currently signed into this location.
  • {{location.visitorsonsite_list}} – The names of the visitors currently signed into this location.
  • {{location.staffonsite}} – The number of employees currently signed into this location.
  • {{location.staffonsite_list}} – The names of the employees currently signed into this location.
  • {{location.serviceprovidersonsite}} – The number of contractors signed into this location.
  • {{location.serviceprovidersonsite_list}} – The names of the contractors currently signed into this location.
  • {{location.totalonsite}} – The number of all people currently signed into this location.

Recipient details

These placeholders use information about the person the notification is being sent to, it is taken from their profile where applicable. These placeholders are only relevant for notification trigger actions.

Placeholders include:

  • {{}} – The name of the person receiving the notification.
  • {{recipient.from}} – The organization of the person receiving the notification.
  • {{}} – The email address of the person receiving the notification.
  • {{}} – The cell phone number of the person receiving the notification.

Custom questions

Use custom question placeholders to include the answers to custom questions in your notifications. The questionnaire list includes any question that has been enabled for this guest type.

You can add the answer to every question in the questionnaire or select the specific questions you'd like included. 


Notification preview

For email notifications, you can use the Preview button to see how the notification will look.

The preview function uses an existing sign in record to show how the dynamic information will display. Select a record, then check the notification in the Response Data field. Click Close to go back to the Trigger Actions tab.