Set up your Dymo 450 or 550 printer

Learn how to set up your Dymo 450 or 550 printer on your receptionist’s PC or a Windows kiosk.

Before you start

Install the Dymo printer on the receptionist’s PC or kiosk following the install guide that comes with your printer.

Update your printer settings

Set the Dymo printer preferences to match those of the badge pass template you set up: 

  1. On the receptionist’s PC or kiosk, go to the Control Panel.
  2. Select Devices and Printers.
  3. Right-click on the Dymo printer, then select Printing Preferences.
  4. Set Orientation to Landscape.
  5. Set Page Order to Front to Back.
  6. Select Advanced.
  7. Set the Paper Size to match the template you set up in OnLocation, and make sure the same labels are installed in the printer. Your options are:

    Dymo 101 x 54mm (3.976” W x 2.126” H) then set Paper Size preferences to be 99014 Shipping or 99014 Name Badge Label

    Dymo 70 x 54mm (2.755” W x 2.126” H) – set Paper Size preferences to be 99015 Diskette

    TEMPbadge 70 x 54mm (2.755” W x 2.126” H) time-expiring label – set Paper Size preferences to be 99015 Diskette
  8. Set Graphics Print Quality to 300 x 300 dots per inch.
  9. Set Print Quality to Text Only.
  10. Set Print Density to Light.
  11. Click OK,
  12. Click OK to exit.
Next step: To complete the setup of your printer, configure your web browser's printing settings so your badge passes print correctly.