Setup the Outlook Connect integration

Learn how to enable the Outlook Connect integration. You must have the Account Owner or Administrator user role to access these settings.

This article covers:

How it works

With the Outlook Connect integration, when your employee creates an event in their Outlook calendar and includes a meeting room, your OnLocation account will automatically create the pre-registration event for attendees.

Enable Outlook Connect

  1. Go to Tools > Account.
  2. Select Integrations from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select the Outlook Connect integration.
  4. Click Enable, then click Confirm on the pop-up.
  5. On the next screen, click Authorize OnLocation.
    This will grant the necessary permissions to the OnLocation Microsoft application, enabling seamless integration between your organization's Outlook and OnLocation.
  6. Select your Outlook account or click on Use another account to sign in and continue.
  7. Click Accept.


Match meeting rooms and locations

Link the meeting rooms in your Microsoft 365 account to your locations so that visitors can be pre-registered for the correct location when calendar events are created.

  1. Select Meeting Rooms to the right of the location you want to edit.
    If you have not yet set up your meeting rooms in Outlook, this needs to be done first.
  2. Click the drop-down, all available rooms will appear, select the room.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat this step to add additional rooms.
  5. Click Save.

Configure room settings

Make arrivals smoother for visitors by including instructions for each room in the OnPass email and displaying them on the kiosk.

  1. For additional settings, select the meeting room to expand it.
  2. Enter an Instruction Title.
  3. Enter an Instruction Body.
  4. Upload an image to guide visitors to locate the right place.
  5. Click Save.

Configure employee activation and event location rules

Employee activation

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select the employees you’d like to enable the integration for.
  3. Select the type of employee restrictions.
  4. Select location rules.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Review and confirm the selected settings and click Save Settings.

Employee activation fields include:

  • Employees - Select which employees can be subscribed to this integration:
        • All which means all employees with be subscribed.
        • Limited which means there are some restrictions available.
        • None which means all employees are excluded from the integration.
    If None is selected the integration can be manually activated for individual profiles via the employees list. This is the same if All has been selected. Individual profiles can be disabled.
  • Employee restrictions - When employees are limited there are additional rules available:
    • Employees at the following locations - which means specific locations can be selected.
    • Employees in the following departments - which means specific departments can be selected.
    • Employees with the following role types - which means specific role types can be selected.

Event location rules

  • Event has no meeting room - If the event was created or updated without a meeting room.
    • Default to employee’s home location which means the event will be set to the employee’s assigned location.
    • Ignore event which means the event will be ignored.
  • Meeting room not matched to location - If the room has been created but not matched to a location.
    • Default to employee’s home location which means the event will be set to the employee’s assigned location.
    • Ignore event which means the event will be ignored.
