Add custom fields to your community profiles

Add custom fields or tabs to your community organizations and member profiles. You must have the Contractor Manager user role to manage custom fields.

About custom fields for community members

Customize the information stored in your community organizations and member profiles by adding custom fields to your account. 

Before you can start, custom fields must be enabled as an add-on for your account and you have created a community.

Add custom fields or tabs

To add custom fields for community members:

  1. Go to Tools > Community Manager.
  2. Select Edit next to your community name.
  3. Select Custom Fields in the left-hand menu.
  4. Select the Member Custom Fields tab.
  5. Under Field Types, click on a field then drag and drop it into the tab. Repeat for each field you need. 
  6. For each custom field, add a description in the Details field, then select the checkboxes if it is mandatory and/or unique. Click Save.
  7. (Optional) Click Add Tab if you’d like to group the fields in separate tabs.
  8. (Optional) Enter a tab name, then click the checkmark. 
  9. (Optional) Click on the icon to the left of the tab name to drag it into position. 
  10. (Optional) Click and drag the required fields into the new tab. Update the field details and click Save.


Once you’ve added your fields, you can start working with these fields in your community organization profiles or member profiles.