If you need to change matches you made for Brivo doors to OnLocation access points during the wizard or match any new doors, you can do so from this section.
- Go to Tools > Account.
- Select Integrations from the left-hand menu.
- Select the Brivo integration.
- Click Settings.
- Select Doors from the left-hand menu.
The number of unassigned doors (if any) will display in a red bubble next to the Doors option.
You can assign doors to their corresponding access points, allow doors to be opened by triggers, set if a door is signing a person in or out, and manually unlock a door for a short period.
Assign a door
The access points available will be based on the location that the door’s site has been matched to.
To assign a door:
- Click Assign next to the door.
- Select an access point.
- Click Assign.
You cannot unassign a door from this section. To unassign a door, you need to update this in the setup wizard.
Allow a trigger to open a door
To allow a door to be opened by triggers:
- Click Config next to the door.
- Set Allow Trigger to open this door to Yes.
- Click Save.
This will not automatically create a trigger for the door, but it will allow you to set up a trigger to open this door in your corresponding location.
Use the door to update a person's status
To automatically change the status of a person who uses the door:
- Click Config next to the door.
- Select Onsite for sign in or Offsite sign out next to Set Staff presence when accessing this door.
- Click Save.
Unlock a door
To manually unlock the door, click Unlock on the Manage Doors page. This will unlock the door for the period set in Brivo.