Learn how to manage Brivo user matching. You need the Account Owner or IT Support user role to access these settings.
To manage the matching of users in Brivo to employees and contractors in MRI OnLocation:
- Go to Tools > Account.
- Select Integrations from the left-hand menu.
- Select the Brivo integration.
- Click Settings.
- Select Users from the left-hand menu.
All users in Brivo will be listed, and the number of unassigned users (if any) will be displayed in a red bubble next to the Users option.
View users
Users with the contractor group in Brivo will be listed in the Contractors tab. All other users will be considered employees and listed in the Staff tab.
Columns include:
- Brivo Name - the name of the user in Brivo.
- Assigned - the person in OnLocation they are matched with.
- Groups - the user’s groups in Brivo.
Sync Status - the indicator of whether the user was synced successfully:
- Duplicate - There was another record using the same unique identifier in the data source. This record was not imported.
- Failed - The record was not imported due to an error with the data.
- Imported - A new employee was added in OnLocation or Brivo with this data.
- Not Changed - The record in OnLocation matched the person in your Brivo.
- Pending - Is still processing.
- Skipped - A rule stopped this record from being imported.
- Updated - The record in OnLocation or Brivo was changed to match the data from the master database.
Match a Brivo user to an OnLocation profile
To match a Brivo user with a person in OnLocation
- Click Assign next to a Brivo name
- Search for the OnLocation person, then select their name.
- Click Assign.