Introduction: Employee custom fields

Use custom fields to record employee information specific to your organization. As an add-on, only the Account Owner can enable custom fields.

How custom fields work

Employees have profiles that are linked to each of your locations. A series of default fields are used to populate each profile. You can also add custom fields to record information that is not covered by the default fields.

You’ll need to enable custom fields as an add-on in your account before you can start using them in your employee profiles. This add-on also enables custom fields in Contractor Manager (if this add-on is enabled in your account).

Once you’ve enabled the custom fields add-on, you can:

  • Add custom fields for employees.
  • Give each field a name or description.
  • Drag and drop the fields to reorder them.
  • Choose which fields should be hidden.
  • Make fields mandatory or unique.
  • Add new tabs so fields can be grouped together.
  • Configure employee permissions that control which fields are editable, read-only, or hidden for employees managing their profiles.


Custom fields and tabs will be displayed in your employee profiles as soon as the changes have been saved.

If there are specific fields that only need to show for employees in some locations, you can customize this in your location settings.

Custom field types

These are the custom fields that you can add to your employee profiles. Some fields can be marked as mandatory or set to include unique information.

Field type Set as mandatory Set as unique Conditions
Short text Yes Yes Under 255 characters
Long text Yes No  
Email Yes No  
Number Yes Yes  
Single or multiple options Yes No  
Person: single or multiple No No  
Phone Yes No  
Date: single or range Yes No  
Time: single or range Yes No  
Address Yes No Can show address in Google maps
Checkbox Yes No