Edit a trigger

Learn how to edit a trigger. Update the name, status, event, rules, and action. You need the Administrator and Triggers Manager user role to access these settings. 

How it works

If you have set up a trigger previously, you can update any of the following settings: 

  • Status – active or disabled
  • Name
  • Event
  • Rules – editing existing rules or adding new ones
  • Action – editing existing actions or adding new ones

Edit a trigger

  1. Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
  2. Select Triggers.
  3. Find the trigger you want to update, then click View.
  4. In the Trigger Details tab, update the name, status, and select the trigger event.

  5. In the Trigger Rules tab, add a new rule or update an existing rule.

  6. In the Triggers Actions tab, update the action and associated fields.

  7. Click Save & Close