Add or update a contractor note

Learn how to add a note for a contractor organization or member. You need the Contractor Manager user role to access these settings.

About notes

You can add notes in various ways but all notes must have a type, subject, and note contents. These help to organize your notes and find notes faster when you have a large collection. It will also help to differentiate what each note is for at a glance.

There is a different set of note types for members and organizations. Contractor Managers can customize note types in your notes settings.

This article covers:

Add a note for an organization

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Select Organizations from the left-hand menu. 
  3. Click View next to the organization. 
  4. Select Notes from the left-hand menu.
  5. Click Add New Note.

  6. Select the type.
  7. Enter the subject.
  8. Enter the note.
  9. Click Save.

Add a note for a member

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Click View next to the organization. 
  3. Select Members from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click View next to the member you want to add a note for. 
  5. Select Notes from the left-hand menu.
  6. Click Add New Note.

  7. Select the type.
  8. Enter the subject.
  9. Enter the note.
  10. Click Save.

Add or delete note documents

You can add documents to any notes that you have created. You can add as many documents as you like to a note and can view these documents from MRI OnLocation. The documents icon will show how many documents are attached to the note.

To add a document: 

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Click View next to the organization. 
  3. Stay in the Organizations screen or select Members from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click View next to the organization or member. 
  5. Select Notes from the left-hand menu.
  6. Click the Documents icon next to a note.

  7. Click Select File, then choose a file from your computer and click Open.
  8. Once it's been uploaded, you'll see the file in the documents list. Upload another document or click Back to Notes. 

To delete a document: 

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Click View next to the organization. 
  3. Stay in the Organizations screen or select Members from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click View next to the organization or member. 
  5. Select Notes from the left-hand menu.
  6. Click the Documents icon next to a note.
  7. Click Remove next to the document, then click Remove again to confirm. 

  8. Click Back to Notes. 

Delete a note

Deleted notes will be removed from OnLocation and cannot be viewed. If you'd like to retain the note, archive it instead. 

To delete a note: 

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Click View next to the organization. 
  3. Stay in the Organizations screen or select Members from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click View next to the organization or member. 
  5. Select Notes from the left-hand menu.
  6. Click Delete next to a note, then click Remove to confirm.

Archive a note

To archive a note: 

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Click View next to the organization. 
  3. Stay in the Organizations screen or select Members from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click View next to the organization or member. 
  5. Select Notes from the left-hand menu.
  6. Select the checkboxes next to the note you'd like to archive.
  7. Click Run an action, then select Archive note. Click Ok to confirm.