View or update your OnLocation Mobile code

If your organization uses OnLocation Mobile, any employee with an OnLocation login can view or update their access code in their profile.

View your code

To view your code: 

  1. Click on your name at the top-right of the screen, then select My Profile.

  2. Select OnLocation Mobile from the left-hand menu. You will only see this option if the mobile app has been enabled for your location. 
  3. Either enter the code directly in the app or click Send OnLocation Mobile Code to send it to yourself by SMS or email.

  4. Click Send via SMS or Send via email.


Once you've logged in with your code, your mobile status will show as active. 


Generate a new code

To generate a new code: 

  1. Click on your name at the top-right of the screen, then select My Profile.
  2. Select OnLocation Mobile from the left-hand menu. 
  3. Click Generate a New Code to generate a new activation code. This is a unique code that you need to enter while setting up the app. 

  4. Click Generate a New Code again to confirm.

  5. Click Send OnLocation Mobile Code to send it to yourself by SMS or email.
  6. Click Send via SMS or Send via email.
  7. Click the link in the email or SMS, then set up the app on your phone. 
Next step: When the email or SMS arrives, click the link and configure your app settings