Export employee user roles

Download a CSV file containing your employees' profile information, including their user roles, location, and any custom fields. You need the Administrator user role to export employees.

About the export

Download a CSV file listing the key information from your employee profiles. You can export all of your organization's employees or use the search filters to include select locations, roles, login permission status, or specific keywords. 

You have the option to include a detailed view of each person's user roles. If you select this option, there will be a column for each user role, and the file will show if they have global or limited access, with the locations listed.

You'll receive an in-app message informing you when the file is ready to download. The processing time will depend on the number of employees you've exported. 

The exported file contains the following fields:

System ID Employee role type Global roaming locations
Full name Zone On-site status
Alternative name ICE number OnLocation Mobile
Email address Custom fields you've added Location
Mobile number Created Last signed in
Phone number Modified Last signed in location
Extension number User roles and locations Last signed in method
Job title  Account status Last login
Employee ID Setup method Photo
Department Global roaming  

Export employee user roles

  1. Go to Tools > User Roles
  2. Click Export Employees

  3. Click Export All, then select the checkbox if you would like to include the details for each person's user role.

  4. You'll see a message informing you that the file is being prepared. Click Close this Message
  5. Once you see a message notification in the header, click the mail icon. 

  6. Click View next to the export message.

  7. In the message, click download this export

  8. The CSV file will download to your computer. Click Close, then open the file to view your employees' user roles.
