Set up a trigger to send notifications when someone signs out of a location. You need the Triggers Manager user role to access these settings.
How it works
Using a sign out trigger, people can receive a notification when their guest signs out of the location. Choose if you’d like an email or SMS notification.
Set up triggers for visitors, contractors, and employees signing out. Trigger rules can be used to narrow the trigger event to a specific scenario. Rather than every time the event occurs, a trigger will only activate when the particular rule is met.
Your account must have the triggers add-on enabled to set up a trigger.
Set up sign out notifications
The trigger below sends an email notification to the host when a visitor signs out of a location.
To set up a trigger:
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Triggers.
- Click Create a New Trigger.
Trigger Details tab
- In the Trigger Details tab, enter the trigger name.
- Select Active next to the Trigger Status.
- Under Trigger Method, select a sign out method: Visitor Sign Out, Contractor Sign Out, or Employee Sign Out.
- Click Next.
(Optional) Trigger Rules tab
- In the Trigger Rules tab, click Create a New Rule, then select a rule.
- Click Next.
Trigger Actions tab
- Click Create a New Action.
- Select the type of notification you’d like to send: Email or SMS.
- Select the Matched Person as the recipient type.
- Select Employee Hosting Visit as the recipient.
- Enter the email subject and message. Use placeholders to populate the message automatically.
- Click Save & Close.
Next time a visitor signs out, their host will receive a notification. The example below is an email notification in Gmail: