How it works
Triggers are used to automate actions based on sign in/out activity in MRI OnLocation. There are multiple triggers available to help you manage your contractors, including sending notifications, displaying messages on kiosks, denying entry to a site, automatically signing people in/out, and more.
Some organizations require that contractors have a current certification, insurance policy, or have passed an induction course within a certain period. These requirements can be managed through triggers. When a contractor tries to sign in with an expired induction course, they're denied entry and a notification is sent to a nominated person outlying how they haven't met the organization's compliance requirements,
The type of requirement is selected in the Trigger Rules tab during setup. Rules include:
- Contractor - Induction Course has Expired
- Contractor - Insurance Policy has Expired
- Contractor - Certification has Expired
Send a notification when a contractor tries to sign in with an expired induction course
In the example below, we show how to set up a trigger that fires when a contractor signs in with an expired induction. It will display a deny access notification on the kiosk and send an email to the employee hosting the contractor.
To set up the trigger:
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Triggers.
- Click Create a New Trigger.
Trigger Details tab
- Enter the trigger name.
- Select Active next to the Trigger Status.
- Under Trigger Event, select Contractor Sign In.
- Click Next.
Trigger Rules tab
- Click Create a New Rule.
- Select the Contractor - Induction Course has Expired rule.
- Select Is the Following as the rule condition.
- Select Any Induction Course Required for Learner.
- Click Next.
Trigger Actions tab
- Click Create a New Action.
- Select Deny Access - Deny Access to a Person.
- Select Red as the pop-up style.
- Enter the title and message. Use the placeholders to make the information in the message dynamic.
- Click Create a New Action.
- Select Notification: Send an Email as the action.
- Select Matched Person as the recipient.
- Select Employee Hosting Visit.
- Enter the subject and message. Use the placeholders to make the information in the message dynamic.
- Click Save & Close.
Next time a contractor signs in with an expired induction course, they will be denied access and the host employee will be notified.