Using the MRI OnLocation Contractor Portal

Find out what you can do in the Contractor Portal. You must have been invited by a customer to log in to their portal.

About the portal

OnLocation is a cloud application service used by organizations to record, store, and manage their contractor and vendor information. Some organizations have a large number of contractors and vendors, which makes maintaining accurate records time-consuming and costly. The Contractor Portal enables trusted contractors and vendors to have access to their own data and can keep these records up to date. 


Types of records

If you are a contractor or vendor to an organization that is using OnLocation, they may have invited you to look at the information they hold about you. They may have also granted you the ability to update, amend, or remove certain information. They do this by granting one or more of your people access to their Contractor Portal. We refer to people with access as Portal Users.

These are the types of records that you might have access to in the portal:

You can also upload documents to support your records. 

Next step: If you've been given access to the Contractor Portal, log in and have a look at the information that's available to you.