Add contractor organizations by CSV import

Add multiple contractor organizations to your account by importing a CSV template. You must have the Contractor Manager user role to access these settings.

How to add new organizations

If you have multiple contractor organizations to add to your account, import them using a CSV file.

To access the Contractor Manager and import your organizations, the Contractor Manager add-on must be enabled by the Account Owner. You'll also need the Contractor Manager user role. If either is missing, Contractor Manager will not appear in your Tools menu.

If you need to record information that is not included in the default fields, add custom fields in Contractor Manager. Once you’ve added your fields, download the organization import template, it will contain both the default and custom fields. 

There are 3 steps to the process:

  1. Download the CSV import template
  2. Add the organization details
  3. Import the file into OnLocation

Step 1: Download the CSV template

The organization CSV import template is a unique template used for importing organizations only. There is a separate template for members.

To download the template: 

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Click Add Organizations.

  3. Click Download the Import Template.

  4. The file will download to your computer. You can now add information to the file to import into MRI OnLocation.

Step 2: Prepare your CSV file

Add your contractor organizations

Enter the below information for each organization. The only default fields that are required are the Name and Status of the organization fields. If you've added mandatory custom fields, you'll also need to complete these in your template. 

Do not remove or change any column headers in the CSV template, as this will cause an error when importing. You can leave these fields blank for any information you do not have.

Template fields include: 

  • Contractor Type – The type of organization. You can use any of the following types:
    • Charitable Organization
    • Discretionary Trading Trust
    • Government Agency
    • Family Partnership
    • Fixed Unit Trust
    • Hospital
    • Individual/Sole Trader
    • Limited Liability Company
    • Local Body Agency
    • Other Trust
    • Partnership
    • Private Company
    • Publicly Listed Company
    • Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
  • Organization Name – The legal name of the organization
  • Trading As – The trading name of the organization, if different from the legal name. If the trading and legal names are the same, the trading name will be automatically added.
  • Legal ID – The legal ID number of the organization e.g., GST, VAT, Business number
  • Legal ID Type – The type of the legal ID number above
  • Phone Number – The contact phone number for the organization
  • Email Address – The main contact email of the organization
  • Physical Address – The main physical address at which the organization is located
  • Country – The country the organization is from. This must match the format in OnLocation, e.g., United States rather than USA
  • Status – The status of the organization in OnLocation. You can use any of the following statuses: Pending, Active, Inactive, or On-Hold.
  • Locations (separated by “/”) – The locations the organization has access to. These must match the name of the locations set up in OnLocation.

Import tips

  • Spell check - Ensure all of your data is inputted correctly. 
  • Complete records - Add as much information in the initial setup as possible. You can always add more information later, but it will save you time to do this at the start.
  • Remove double-ups - Not all double-ups will be the exact same name. You may have many versions of the same organization. 
  • File type - Save your file using the CSV UTF-8 file type. This will automatically fix any inconsistent characters and extra spaces.

Step 3: Import your CSV file

Once your CSV file has been prepared, import the organizations:

  1. Go to Tools > Contractor Manager.
  2. Click Add Organizations.
  3. Select Import List from a CSV File.
  4. Click Select CSV File, select the saved file from your computer and click Open.
  5. Click Upload CSV File.

  6. Check that the headers in the template match the fields in OnLocation. If you're using our template, this should happen automatically. Click Submit for Validation. 
  7. Click Confirm & Submit, and click Close.

Troubleshoot your import

If you receive an error, have a look at our troubleshooting suggestions below:

  • Ensure you remove all double-ups in your file. If you have two organizations with the same name, these will not import.
  • Check that you haven't removed any template headers.
  • Any fields that need to match settings in OnLocation exactly, e.g. Type, Country, etc, must be spelled correctly and match the matching setting exactly.
  • Check that the file type is CSV and not XLS or XLSX or another file type, and preferably use the CSV UTF-8 file type.
Next step: Import the members linked to this organization.