Set up an asset group

Learn how to add asset groups. You must be an Asset Manager with either global or manager rights to add groups.

About asset groups

All asset types are associated with a specific asset group. An asset group connects asset types that have similar characteristics.

Asset groups have three attributes:

  • Name of the asset group
  • Asset class:
    • Transferable – the asset can be issued out (given to) a person, e.g., PPE gear, keys, and cards.
    • Fixed Location – the asset is fixed in a set location. Like a wind turbine or a piece of machinery that stays on-site. These assets can be issued to someone who manages the asset.
  • Description of the asset group

Set up an asset group

To set up an asset group:

  1. Go to Tools > Asset Manager
  2. Select Manage Asset Groups from the menu on the left.
  3. Click Create a New Asset Group.

  4. Enter a name for your group.
  5. Select the asset class for your group:

    Transferable – the asset can be issued to a person, e.g., vehicles, keys, and cards.

    Fixed – the asset is fixed in a set location, e.g., a piece of machinery that stays on-site. These assets can be issued out, but you are assigning control of the asset to the person.
  6. Enter a description for your group.
  7. Select Save.

Next step: You can now add asset types and link them to your new asset groups.