Manage asset types

Learn how to add and manage asset types. You must be an Asset Manager with either global or manager rights to add asset types.

How it works

An asset type is a subset of an asset group. For example, you may set up an asset group called ‘Keys’. Then you may have several asset types that fall within the keys group: building door keys, warehouse door keys, and car keys.

Every key you add to the asset register will be assigned to a type. Before adding an asset to the register, you must set up your asset groups and types.

Asset types have three attributes:

  • Asset group 
  • Name of asset type
  • Description of asset type

Add an asset type

Before you start, make sure you have added the relevant asset group.

To add an asset type:

  1. Go to Tools > Asset Manager.  
  2. Select Manage Asset Types from the menu on the left. 
  3. Click Create a New Asset Type.

  4. Select the asset group this type belongs to.
  5. Enter a name for your new asset type.
  6. (Optional) Enter a description for your asset type.
  7. Click Save.


Update or delete an asset type

Edit an asset type

  1. Go to Tools > Asset Manager.  
  2. Select Manage Asset Types from the menu on the left. 
  3. Click Edit next to the asset type. 
  4. Change the asset group, update the name, or edit the description.
  5. Click Save


Delete an asset type

You can only delete an asset type if no assets with that type are issued. 

To delete an asset: 

  1. Go to Tools > Asset Manager.  
  2. Select Manage Asset Types from the menu on the left. 
  3. Click Delete next to the asset type, then click Remove to confirm.

Next step: You can now add an asset and link it to your new asset groups and types