Set up an internal or external induction course

Learn how to create internal and external induction courses. These course types are used to manually record the details of a course and choose the type of learners that can be assigned it. You need the Induction Manager user role to access these settings.

How it works

You can create either of these course types:

  • Internal – An internal induction course is a course created and delivered by members of your organization, this may include but is not limited to group presentations, site walk-throughs, videos.
  • External – An external induction course is a course created and delivered by a third party, this may include health and safety training, specific licenses, and more.

These course types are used to record the details of a course, choose who can take it, set a renewal date, and select if course expiry results in a learner losing access to your location. It's most likely that the content of these courses is stored outside OnLocation. 

OnLocation also offers SCORM Cloud and eLearning courses. These courses are delivered to your learners online through OnLocation. You can email an invite to complete the course, or set up an induction kiosk so your learner can complete the course on-site. 

Create an internal or external induction course

To create an internal or external induction course:

  1. Go to Tools > Induction Management.
  2. Click Create a New Induction Course.

  3. Select Course Type as either internal or external.
  4. Enter the course name.
  5. Enter a description of the course so that other users with access to the induction tools can see the purpose, scope, and/or intent of this course.
  6. Set any restrictions on who can manage this course. If none selected, any induction manager can access and manage this course.
  7. Click Next.

  8. Choose the types of people you want to be able to take this course. You can choose employees, contractors, or both. And you can choose to restrict these learners by departments and roles.
  9. Choose how often this induction course needs to be renewed.
  10. Set if you want this course to automatically deny access to learners if it has expired. You can set up triggers to display a custom message, and/or send notifications to specified people if they are denied access.
  11. Click Save.

  12. To activate the course, click Pending next to your course, then click Activate to confirm.
Next step: You can now add the course to an employee or contractor profile and record when they completed the course.