Customize your OnPass email template

Learn how to customize what information is shown on a location's OnPass. You need the OnPass Manager or Administrator user role to access these settings.

What's included in an OnPass

OnPass email templates are customizable, and most fields are optional. An OnPass can include:

  • Date and time of visit
  • Host name
  • Host contact details
  • Location name
  • Address and map showing the location
  • On arrival instructions
  • Car parking tips
  • Guest Wi-Fi instructions
  • QR code or barcode - visitors can use this to scan in and out

Customize the OnPass template

Each location can customize the email they send their pre-registered visitors.

To update the template: 

  1. If you have the OnPass Manager role: Go to Tools > OnPass Management. Click View next to the location that has enabled OnPass.

    If you have the Administrator role: Go to Locations, then select the location from the dropdown menu. Select OnPass.
  2. Select a tab to choose the information you'd like to complete.

Host details


Add information about the visitor's host to the OnPass including:

  • Name
  • Phone numbers - office, host, host mobile
  • Email
  • Photo

These details are taken directly from the employee's profile in OnLocation. If an option is enabled but missing from the profile, that field will not show in the OnPass.

The office phone option is a static number set in your OnPass settings. You can use this instead of the host's phone if they don't have an office phone.

QR code and barcode

Add a barcode or a QR code to the OnPass so visitors can scan it on arrival to sign in quickly.

If all of their details have been added during pre-registration, they won't need to answer any questions. Any missing questions will be displayed on the kiosk for them to answer.

This is not compatible when using a touchless kiosk. If using a touchless kiosk, disable the barcode and QR code options and add arrival instructions instead. 


Organization info

Organization name

Select the checkboxes to choose the organization that displays on the OnPass. It can either be the OnLocation account name or a custom name. This is useful if you have locations that are not referred to by your account name.

Location and map

Select the checkboxes to choose to include a physical address or Google map on the OnPass. 

Enter your address into the search field, and select the address from the Google verified dropdown. You must match your address in Google Maps to get an accurate map location on your OnPass.

Guest wi-fi

Provide instructions for connecting to the guest wi-fi network. You may like to include the network name, the password, and any restrictions in this section.


Arrival and parking

Add any arrival or parking instructions for the visitor to follow when they arrive on-site.

These can direct your visitors to your sign-in/out kiosk, ask them to report to reception or provide any information that will help your visitors find your premises.


Neighborhood tips

Add details about the surrounding area for visitors. This is especially useful if you have visitors from out of town.

Options include:

  • Accommodation
  • Airport
  • Cafe
  • Food
  • Taxi

Enable by selecting Yes, then click Add Content to add details.


Evacuation instructions

Provide instructions on your evacuation procedures.


Automated sending

If an event is created using the calendar invites integration, or you send visitor pre-registration questionnaire invitations, choose how you'd like to send the OnPass: 

  • Once the visitor completes their profile
  • As soon as the event is created
  • Manually

You can also send up to three reminder emails at set intervals before the event. All time periods are before the scheduled visit time. The second reminder must be sent after the first. If you only want one reminder, only use the first reminder.


Next step: Click Preview to check your OnPass information and layout, then save your changes.