Manage contractor access token types

Learn how to add, rename, or delete token types. You need the Identity Manager user role to access these settings.

About token types

When you first activate identity management, there are four default token types available to use immediately:

  • Access control
  • Driver’s license
  • ID card
  • Proof of age

You can add more, rename, or delete these token types as required. Each token type can be assigned to both contractors and employees. 

This article covers:

Add a token type

  1. Go to Tools > Identity Management.
  2. Click Add New Token Type.

  3. Enter the name of the token type.
  4. Click Save.


The new token type will be available for use when adding tokens to employee or contractor profiles.

Rename a token type

If you rename a token type, any existing tokens with the token type renamed will be changed.

  1. Go to Tools > Identity Management.
  2. Click Edit next to a token type.

  3. Enter a new name.
  4. Click Save.

Remove a token type

There are two ways to remove a token type: deactivate or delete: 

  • Deactivate – will remove the token type from the list and any tokens with this type but allows you to re-active the type in the future. You can reactivate the token type but not the individual tokens.

  • Delete – will permanently delete the token type and all tokens set up with the type.

For either method, click the button on the right of the type, then click Remove to confirm.

Next step: Assign a token to a contractor. If you're printing ID cards, set up your ID card template.