Sending a copy of a signed waiver custom question

Learn how your guests and employees can receive a signed copy of a custom question. In the custom question settings, you can choose to send copies to the guest, host, employee, or non-employee email address.

How a guest signs a waiver

The guest approaches the kiosk, taps Sign In, chooses their person type, enters their name, and proceeds through the sign-in steps.

Your waiver is presented to the person signing in, with an area for them to sign and select the acknowledgment button.

The guest then finishes the sign-in process. They can receive a copy of their signed waiver, and a copy can also be sent to their host and other nominated people.


Send a copy to the guest

There is an option in the setup of a signature required custom question that allows you to send a copy of the waiver to the person who has signed it.

You can send it by email or text message. OnLocation always attempts to email the recipient first, and they will only ever be sent one copy. This is for two reasons:

  • We do not want to send your guests multiple messages with the same information. When they receive a text, they need an internet connection to download the waiver, so it may be easier to send an email.
  • Sending text messages uses SMS credits.

The guest will receive an email thanking them for their visit and informing them that their signed waiver is attached. It addresses them by name, states your organization name, the date of the visit, and the title of the waiver. A PDF copy of their signed waiver is attached to the email.


If the guest receives a text message, it includes a link to view their waiver online. It contains the title of the waiver, the location name, and a link to view the waiver. They can click the link to download a copy.


You can view sent notifications from the Notification Summary report if you have the Reports Manager user role.

Send a copy to the host

There is an option in the setup of any custom question which allows you to include the answer of a visitor or contractor in the host notification. You can also choose to include a link to view the signed waiver.

Make sure you select the Host notification and Send copy to host checkboxes. 

The host will receive a notification informing them who is visiting, where they are from, and where they have signed in. They will also see the answer to the waiver question and a link to view the waiver.


In addition to these notifications, there will always be a record of every signed waiver in the Custom Questionnaire Reports.

Send a copy to an employee/non-employee

You can also send a copy of the signed waiver to any employee set up in OnLocation or one non-employee. These notifications are sent by email immediately after a person signs in. This is separate from the notification that a host receives.


Select any employees with a valid email address entered in OnLocation.

Once the questionnaire has been activated, you will not be able to change the employees that receive this notification without creating a new waiver.

The email addresses the employee by the name entered into OnLocation and lists the waiver title, the person's name, the organization, and the date of signing. A copy of the waiver is attached as a PDF document.



Choose one non-employee email address to receive a copy of the signed waiver. You may want to use this to send the waiver to a generic internal email address not associated with an employee.

Once the questionnaire has been activated, you will not be able to change the email address without creating a new waiver.

This email is brief, and the recipient should be warned ahead of time that they will receive these notifications. It states the title of the waiver, the person's name, their organization, and the date signed. A copy of the waiver is then attached as a PDF document.
