How it works
Use visitor pre-registration questions to record key information and screen visitors before they arrive on-site.
When a visitor is pre-registered, they’ll receive an email inviting them to complete their visitor profile. The profile includes basic questions and custom questionnaires activated for pre-registration. Questionnaires can consist of any custom question, including file upload.
Send visitor pre-registration questionnaires manually, or choose a specific time before the event. Once they’ve confirmed their profile, send them an OnPass.
The visitor profile contains the event details, visit instructions, and any basic or custom questions activated for pre-registration.
Basic questions
Activate basic questions for pre-registered visitors in Sign In/Out Questions. There are two activation modes for these questions:
- Pre-Register Visitors - employees can answer the question while they're pre-registering a visitor
- Visitor Profile - the visitor answers the question in their visitor profile
Any of these questions can be asked during visitor pre-registration:
From (Organization name) | Phone | Expected duration |
Email address | Title/position | Purpose of visit |
Cell number (mobile) | Evacuation assistance |
Custom questions
The custom questions below can be used in a visitor pre-registration questionnaire. Activate the questionnaire at either a location or global level:
Text | Single choice | Embedded video |
Paragraph text | Waiver | Date |
Multichoice | Image waiver | Document upload |
Before you start
- Configure the visitor pre-registration questionnaire invite settings
- Activate the basic questions for your visitor profile
Set up a visitor pre-registration questionnaire
Set up a custom questionnaire either for a location or at a global level for multiple locations:
Global custom questionnaire
Step 1: Create the questionnaire
- Go to Tools > Global Sign In/Out Questions.
- In the Global Questions tab, click Create a New Questionnaire.
- Enter the questionnaire name. This is the name displayed in the visitor profile.
- Choose visitors as the questionnaire's target audience.
- Choose the frequency you'd like to show the questionnaire.
- Click Save.
Step 2: Add your custom questions
There are ten types of questions available. These are the same questions available in the location level Sign In/Out Questions.
Set up these steps for each question you want to include in the questionnaire.
To add a question:
- Click Add Question.
- Enter the question/title.
- Select the question type.
- Enter the details based on the question type.
- (Optional) Select the checkbox next to Host notification to include the answer in the arrival notification (visitor and contractors only).
- (Optional) Select the checkbox next to Compulsory Question when an answer is mandatory.
- (Optional) Select the parent question to make the question conditional based on the answer given.
- (Optional) Set a custom question timeout to change how long the kiosk is inactive before canceling the sign in.
- (Optional) Set a question pause time to ensure the person stays on the page before answering or moving on.
- Click Save and Close.
Ordering questions
Questions appear in the order they're created; re-order them anytime.
To re-order the questions:
- Click Enable Sorting next to a question. You can only sort questions under the same parent question at one time.
- Hold and drag questions to change the order.
- Click Finished Sorting next to any question.
Step 3: Activate the questionnaire
- Click the questionnaire status.
- Click Activate.
- Select Visitor Pre-Registration as the activation mode, then click Next.
- Select the locations or location groups.
- Click Save.
The next time someone pre-registers a visitor at one of these locations, their visitor will receive this questionnaire, along with any basic questions.
Location custom questionnaire
Step 1: Create the questionnaire
- Go to Locations, then select the location from the drop-down list.
- Select Sign In/Out Questions.
- Select the Custom Questionnaires tab.
- Click Create a New Questionnaire.
- Enter the questionnaire name. This is the name displayed in the visitor profile.
- Choose visitors as the questionnaire's target audience.
- Choose the frequency you'd like to show the questionnaire.
- Click Save.
Step 2: Add your custom questions
There are nine types of questions available in Sign In/Out Questions.
Set up these steps for each question you want to include in the questionnaire.
To add a question:
- Click Add Question.
- Enter the question/title.
- Select the question type.
- Enter the details based on the question type.
- (Optional) Select the checkbox next to Host notification to include the answer in the arrival notification (visitor and contractors only).
- (Optional) Select the checkbox next to Compulsory Question when an answer is mandatory.
- (Optional) Select the parent question to make the question conditional based on the answer given.
- (Optional) Set a custom question timeout to change how long the kiosk can stay inactive before canceling the sign in from the kiosk default.
- (Optional) Set a question pause time to ensure the person stays on the page before they can answer or move on.
- Click Save and Close.
Ordering questions
Questions are added in the order they are created. They can be re-ordered at any time. This order is how they're displayed to the audience.
To re-order the questions:
- Click Enable Sorting next to a question. You can only sort questions under the same parent question at one time.
- Hold and drag questions to change the order.
- Click Finished Sorting next to any question.
Step 3: Activate the questionnaire
- Click the questionnaire status, then click Activate.
- Select Sign In next to Visitor pre-registration, then click Save.
The next time someone pre-registers a visitor at this location, their visitor will receive a link to complete this questionnaire and any basic questions.