A custom questionnaire is made up of a group of questions that are created by your organization. They can be activated to show during sign in or out on kiosks, in Sign In/Out Manager, on OnLocation Mobile, and during visitor pre-registration.
The answers to most custom questions can be found in the people presence and custom questionnaire reports. Any answers recorded for certification details questions are only available in the certifications report.
There are ten question types that you can use in custom questionnaires:
The person answers the question by entering a short amount of text. A text answer can be up to 100 characters.
Kiosk example
Paragraph text
The person answers the question by entering a larger amount of text. A paragraph answer can be up to 500 characters. It is useful when the answers require a greater level of description e.g. details about an incident.
Kiosk example
The person answers the question by selecting one or more options. You can also set one of these options to be unique so that, if selected, the other options become unavailable.
Kiosk example
Single choice
The person answers the question by selecting one option. Useful for setting triggers based on the response given.
Kiosk example
Enter or copy and paste text your waiver text. The person answers the question by confirming that they have read the agreement and accept the terms.
Waivers can be set to require a signature, if signing in via a kiosk or OnLocation Mobile, using their finger or stylus to sign on the screen. A copy of the waiver can be sent to them, their host, or any other email, as well as being stored in the Custom Questionnaire reports.
You can also set options for the audience to select from, e.g. I acknowledge and accept this agreement. These can be used in combination with or instead of a signature.
Kiosk example
If using your front-of-house team to sign people in using Sign In/Out Manager, signature capture is not available. However, if you have signature capture enabled, there is a checkbox for the Sign In/Out Manager to select that the waiver has been acknowledged.
Image waiver
Upload an image with text instructions to display alongside. You can choose to add an acknowledgment button.
Images must be a minimum of 200 x 100 pixels and a maximum of 6000px wide x 6000px high. The file size limit is 5MB.
Kiosk example
Embed a video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo for the audience to watch. Set options for the audience to select from, e.g. I have watched and understood this video.
You can make the video watching mandatory by setting the Question Pause Time to the length of the video. You will also want to set the Question Timeout to the length of the video to ensure the kiosk doesn’t timeout while watching.
Kiosk example
Add a date picker to your custom questionnaire. The guest answers the question by selecting a date.
Kiosk example
Document upload
Ask your employees and guests to upload a document while signing in or completing their pre-registered visitor profile. Guests can provide a document by either uploading a file or taking a picture of a document.
Choose how long your organization will retain the document:
- 7 days
- 30 days
- 90 days
- 180 days
- 365 days (1 year)
- 730 days (2 years)
For visitors who provide a document during sign in, a document icon will show in Sign In/Out Manager. The file can be reviewed by clicking on the visitor's name.
Kiosk example
Visitor profile example
Certification details
Ask employees and contractors to provide certification details while signing in. The question is linked to an employee or contractor certification in OnLocation.
You can choose which details they're asked to provide. You must select at least one option:
- Certification number
- Valid from
- Valid to
- Document upload
Enter any instructions you'd like to display on the kiosk or in Sign In/Out Manager.
Once the details are entered, someone with verification permission can check it (if verification is required).