Overview of Sign In/Out Manager features

Sign In/Out Manager is used by your reception and or security teams to manage the signing in/out of visitors, contractors, and employees for your locations. To access these features, you must be assigned the Sign In/Out Manager user role.

Favorite the screen

For quick and easy access, add the Sign In/Out Manager page to your favorites. To do this click the star in the top-right corner of the page, give the view a name, and click OK. The view you are currently on will be saved to your favorites.



If allocated more than one location under your Sign In/Out Manager role you can swap between locations to sign people in and out of each location. This allows employees who work at multiple locations to manage people signing in/out from the same login.


Access point

Access Points are set in each location and reference the location where the visitor, contractor, or employee is signed in/out. This could be Main Reception, Warehouse Entrance, Staff Entrance, etc. Most locations only have one Access Point, however, if you have more than one, you can select the correct one for your setup here.

Access Points are set by your Administrator.


More actions menu

The More Action menu offers additional actions that are related to the Sign In/Out Manager role. Panic alarms, deliveries, and OnScan must be enabled by an administrator before they will show in Sign In/Out Manager:

  • Pre-register visitors
  • On-site summary
  • Panic Alarm 
  • Deliveries 
  • Connect to OnScan 

Language selection

If the multi-language add-on is enabled, a Sign In/Out Manager can choose their preferred language here. The languages available to them are enabled by their Administrator.

When a language is selected, all functions of the Sign In/Out Manager are translated into that language.


The notifications that are generated from the Sign In/Out Manager are not translated, e.g. visitor arrival notifications.

People search

Use People Search to find visitors, employees, or contractors on/off-site or pre-registered at your location. A great tool to quickly find people within large lists.

To search for a person; click the search query bar, enter their name, and select from the returned results.


Visitor sign in and sign out buttons

Use the Visitor Sign In button to sign in visitors.

Use the Sign Out button to sign out visitors, employees, and contractors. Click the button to view the list of everyone currently on-site. Choose the names from the list and sign them out.


People tabs

The people tabs allow you to select the type of person (visitors, employees, or contractors) you are signing in.

The Visitor tab includes sub-tabs where you can view pre-registered visitors.

The Employees and Contractors tabs show a list of all people with access to sign in at the location. If a person is missing from their expected list, it means they do not have access to the location, either because they have not been given location permission or their profile is not active. People who are denied access from a trigger will still appear in these lists.

View Columns menu

In the Employees or Contractor tabs, use the View Columns menu to see more information in Sign In/Out Manager.

If your organization uses custom fields, click the arrows in the menu to expand each section and view the available fields. Select the checkboxes to see these fields in Sign In/Out Manager. 

Pre-registered visitors

From the pre-registered visitor list you can view two types of events; pre-registered individual visitor and group events. You can view the same details and perform the same actions for both types of events.

For individual events, you can view and action from the dashboard. For group events, you need to select options from the dashboard to trigger pop-ups to show information or perform actions.

Fields and buttons can include:

  • Expected - The date and time the visitor(s) have been scheduled to arrive.
  • Name - Details the name of the visitor or, if pre-registered as a group, the name of the group. Click on the name to view the details entered during pre-registration including who pre-registered them and their contact information.
  • Organization - Details the organization the pre-registered visitor is from. If a group is visiting and they are from different organizations, Various will be displayed.
  • Visiting - Details the employee the visitor is visiting. The employee will receive a notification when the visitor has signed in. You can click on the employee’s name to see their contact details and if they are currently signed in.
  • Edit - Change any details captured in the pre-registration event by clicking Edit. You can change the expected time, host details, visitor details, and the location of the event.
  • Send OnPass - To send an OnPass email invite to your visitors, click Send OnPass to trigger the pop-up. From here you can edit the email address to send the OnPass, send your visitor an OnPass, and see when the last OnPass was sent.
  • Send questionnaire - Send a visitor pre-registration questionnaire to your visitors, edit their email address, and see when the questionnaire was sent.
  • Warning - There may also be a warning or flag icon showing if the visitor has missing information or their information has been flagged using a trigger. 

Print passes

Pre-print a pre-registered visitor’s badge pass. The badge pass can be used to sign the visitor in using a Kiosk or just given to the visitor when they arrive on-site to be worn during their visit.

Pre-print badges need to be enabled in the Sign In/Out Manager and printing passes are only available if printing has been fully set up by Administrators.

There are two options available for printing passes:

  • Print Pass will print from the computer you are using. This requires a badge pass to be enabled as the location default.
  • Kiosk Print Pass will print the pass from a Kiosk set up with Print Sharing. If you have more than one Kiosk with print sharing enabled, you can choose which one to print the badge pass from when you click Kiosk Print Pass.

If you are printing passes for a group, select all then click Print Visitor Passes then use the same options from the pop-up to print.


Sign in

Use Sign In to sign your visitor into the location. If signing in visitors in a pre-registered group, when you click Sign In you will trigger a pop-up where you can sign in visitors individually or all together.

Cancel pre-registered visitors

Use the Run Action menu to cancel a pre-registered visitor event.

  1. Select the event(s) using the checkbox(es) on the right.
  2. Click Run an action menu, then select Cancel the Visitor. Click Ok to confirm.

The pre-registered event will be canceled and removed from Sign In/Out Manager.

If canceling a group visit event, you cannot cancel individual visitors from the Sign In/Out Manager, you need to edit the pre-registration event to remove people.