Introduction: Pre-register visitors

Use visitor pre-registration so you know who is coming on-site before they arrive at your location. Screen visitors and collect essential contact information in advance of their visit. This article explains the setup options for managing visitor pre-registration.

How visitor pre-registration works

Any employee with access to MRI OnLocation can pre-register visitors to meet with themselves or a colleague. Pre-registration ensures oversight of who is due on-site in the coming hours or days.

Several features can be set up to streamline visitor pre-registration. The suggested workflow is:

  1. An employee pre-registers a visitor, either manually or using the calendar invites integration.
  2. The visitor receives a link to their visitor profile by email, sent automatically X hours or days before the event.
  3. The visitor completes their profile, answering the required questions.
  4. The visitor receives their OnPass, which outlines all the details of their visit.
  5. The visitor arrives on-site and scans their OnPass to sign in quickly.

Visitor pre-registration is available without setting up questionnaires, OnPass, and the calendar invites integration. However, using them will create a much more streamlined experience for your visitors and provide more oversight for your organization.

There is also a range of visitor pre-registration triggers available. Set up a trigger to get notified whenever an employee adds a pre-registered visitor, if a visitor questionnaire isn’t complete, or if they answer a question in a specific way.

Set up visitor pre-registration 

To get the most out of visitor pre-registration, set up the following features:

Invite and manage your visitors

Manage visitor pre-registration for the location

Next step: Give your employees OnLocation login permission so they can start pre-registering their visitors. You can also allow them to sign in their own visitors.